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No technology is perfect, and Beiersdorf believes that working with skilled security researchers across the globe is crucial in identifying weaknesses in any technology. If you believe you have found a security issue in our exposed systems, we encourage you to notify us by a coordinated disclosure of vulnerabilities. 
We welcome working with you to resolve the issue promptly and kindly ask you to keep the vulnerability as well as any information thereto confidential until Beiersdorf has fixed it.

How to report

• Please let us know as soon as possible upon discovery of a potential security issue, and we will make every effort to quickly resolve the issue.

• Make a good faith effort to avoid privacy violations, destruction of data, and interruption or degradation of our service. Only interact with accounts you own or with explicit permission of the account holder.

• Do not cause harm to Beiersdorf, our customers, or others.

• Do not violate any criminal law.

• Do not include any sensitive data or person related data in the disclosed vulnerability report.

• Remove all data and sensitive information you got from the analysis once the report is submitted

• Please provide us a reasonable amount of time to resolve the issue before any disclosure to the public or a third-party. A disclosure shall only be made once Beiersdorf confirmed that the issue has been fixed.


While researching, we would like to ask you to refrain from:

• Denial of service

• Spamming

• Social engineering (including phishing) of Beiersdorf staff or contractors

• Any physical attempts against Beiersdorf property or data centers

• Run automated scans without checking with Beiersdorf first

• Vulnerabilities which require a jailbroken device

• Missing http security headers which do not lead to a vulnerability

• Tests in a manner that would corrupt the operation of Beiersdorf solutions.

Safe Harbor

This policy is designed to be compatible with common vulnerability disclosure good practice. It does not give you permission to act in any manner that is inconsistent with the law, or which might cause us to be in breach of any of its legal obligations, including but not limited to:

• The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We affirm that we will not seek prosecution of any security researcher who reports any security vulnerability on a service or system, where the researcher has acted in good faith and in accordance with this disclosure policy.
Any activities conducted in a manner consistent with this Disclosure Policy will be considered as an authorized conduct and we will not initiate any legal action against you. If legal action is initiated by a third party against you in connection with activities conducted under this policy, we will take steps to make it known that your actions were conducted in compliance with this policy.

Thank you for helping keep Beiersdorf and our users safe!